Friday, June 28, 2013

TGIF: June's Already Over?

June was hot (today's high is 106!), but we did some cool things

I can't believe June is already over! The past six weeks have surely flown by! I keep telling myself, "Oh you still have all of July," but before I know it, I'll be back in College Station. 

In June, the interns: 

- mixed n mingled at the Alumni Mixer at Third Base. With our school pride on, we chatted over chips n queso and burgers. I sat at a table with undergrads and grad students from UNC, UT, Rutgers, UMich and ASU and there were some alumni from UT and Texas A&M. It was a lot of fun to have a casual mixer.
#dellinterns13 #dellinterns13

#dellinterns13 - had a 'typical work day' at Volente Beach. We loaded up two buses and ventured into the hills to enjoy a bright and sunny day at a water park. What I really liked about the event was the managerial support to go; my team insisted that I go have fun with other interns. Dell expects you to be productive, but not at the expense of having fun during your internship. The slides were popular and they kept losing the volleyball, but overall, we had a cool time just hanging out. 

  #dellinterns13 #dellinterns13

- went to a segment networking expo. This was a great opportunity to meet leaders in other segments within marketing and learn more about what they do. A lot of interns got useful information and connections for their projects and it was nice to finally meet people you've only talked to through email. Also, it was a neat opportunity to connect with people we might want to work with in the future.

#dellinterns13 #dellinterns13

- attended talks from executives and Dell experts. It's been great having the opportunity to learn more about Dell through experts from the different BUs and executives. Nearly every week there has been a speaker session or a webcast to listen to, which sure beats going through a lot of slidedecks without any help or context. The audience is always engaged, which turns the presentation into an interesting conversation, and the questions are great. And sometimes, they go the extra mile to set up really cool displays! 

Now that I think about it, this post should really be titled "Reasons why you should intern at Dell!" Happy Friday y'all!


1 comment:

  1. I had fun once. It was awful.

    I resent the daylights out of the Dell expectation that I will participate in "team offsites" and that I will thereby somehow become friends with other team members. They are not my friends. They are people I work with. They inhabit a far more remote circle of my acquaintance than anyone I call friend. Management attempts to enforce camaraderie on company time have a refractory effect on me. I just want to go to work, do my job, and go home again. This is a worldview that Dell appears not to want to understand. Personal boundaries, Dell. Learn to respect them.
